

and it can move backwards


Become a Professional Rejuvenation Athlete

✅  Clinical grade measurement protocol to age your 70+ organs
✅  Continuously assess + monitor for serious health issues
✅  Dramatically slow your speed of aging
✅  Reverse your biological age
✅  Perfect diet, sleep and exercise
✅  Achieve + maintain ideal biomarkers
✅  Look, feel and be your most exceptional self

This won’t be easy, but nothing epic ever is.
  • 10% caloric restriction
  • Strict dietary protocol  
  • Sleep routine adherence
  • Rigorous exercise schedule
  • 5 hrs weekly for tests/assessments
  • All doctor care, tests, advanced therapies, protocol personalization ~$10k/mo

Apply for 1 of 5 openings ➜

Medical Doctors...

Become a Certified Rejuvenation Specialist 

✅  Gold-standard clinical guidelines
✅  Evidence based medicine
✅  Longevity 1, 2, 3 protocols
✅  Patient resources
✅  Longevity Level 1, 2, 3 Specialist Certification
✅  100+ modules / video training
✅  Continuous updates: tests, therapies & key studies

Revolutionize health care 
  • 70+ organ quantification
  • Clinical guidelines for advanced level 3 therapies
  • Leverage MRI, ultrasound, and dozens of other measurement technologies for safety + efficacy monitoring
  • Manage rate of aging, age reversal, skin, oral health, fitness, diet, sleep and more

Apply for 1 of 2 slots ➜


Bryan Johnson, Professional Rejuvenation Athlete
18 months of adherence on Longevity Level 1,2,3 Protocol

✅  0.76 speed of aging (age 15 avg PACE)
✅  5.1 yrs epiage reversal (6 clock avg)
✅  99% percentile fat & muscle composition
✅  54 all cause mortality markers in optimal clinical outcomes range (OCOR)
✅  115 organ age markers younger than chronological age
✅  5 fitness scores equivalent to 18 yr old
✅  1 serious health issue identified + resolved (IJVS)
✅  0 side effects

Results: Optimal Clinical Outcome Range 

BIOMARKER                                                                                         RESULT                        AGE EQUIVALENT                                OPTIMAL CLINICAL OUTCOMES  RANGE (OCOR)
BMIOPTIMAL22.8 <22.5
Fasting plasma glucoseOPTIMAL8228 (max reduction)<95
Body FatOPTIMAL6.916 (max reduction)<10%
Cholesterol (total)OPTIMAL158
DHEAOPTIMAL14925 (max reduction)< age 50
Free Testosterone Index OPTIMAL0.3941< age 50
Glutathione OPTIMAL22729< age 30
Grip Strength DominantOPTIMAL13433 (max reduction)< age 30
Grip Strength Non-dominantOPTIMAL12443 (max reduction)< age 30
HbA1COPTIMAL4.528 (max reduction)4.5-5.6
HDLOPTIMAL73 50 - 60
hsCRPOPTIMAL0.4610 (max reduction)<0.55
IGF-1OPTIMAL125 75 - 150
NADOPTIMAL52.616 (max reduction)< age 30
PSAOPTIMAL0.6822 (max reduction)< age 30
RDWOPTIMAL11.318 (max reduction)< age 30
TSHOPTIMAL1.94 1 - 2.1
Triglycerides OPTIMAL55 27 - 89
Testosterone OPTIMAL76933 (max reduction)
VO2 max treadmillOPTIMAL53.618 (max reduction)< age 30
WBCOPTIMAL4.5 3.5 - 6
20th percentile telomeres PBMCOPTIMAL728 (max reduction)< age 30

Results: Younger than Bryan's Chronological Age

  • hsCRP
  • DunedinPoAm
  • NAD
  • Frailty index
  • Total glutathione
  • VO2 max
  • 12 min run distance
  • Whole brain volume
  • White matter volume
  • Cerebral volume
  • Total sleep time
  • Wake after sleep onset
  • Sleep efficiency
  • Digit comparison score
  • Digit symbol score
  • ETS score
  • RAVENS score
  • Letter number sequencing score
  • Ventricular volumes
  • Subcortical grey matter
  • Pituitary brightness
  • Cerebellar volume
  • Stand on 1 leg
  • 5 min deep sleep RMSSD
  • MaxHR
  • BNP
  • LV E
  • LV A
  • LV E/A
  • LV E’m
  • LV PWT
  • LA A’ lat
  • LA SRE
  • LA SRA
  • cfPWV

  • TPA
  • Systolic blood pressure
  • Brachial blood pressure
  • Non-map C2 CSBP
  • Non-map C2 CDBP
  • PPA ratio
  • AI
  • AP
  • FEV1
  • FVC
  • PEFT
  • DLCOc
  • A line quant
  • MIP
  • MEP
  • RDW
  • EpiTOC2.tnsc
  • PC telo length methylation pred
  • QFISH median PBMC telo
  • QFISH 20th cent PBMC teloRRI left
  • RRI right
  • Cystatin C
  • EHF Hz Right
  • 14-16k Hz Left
  • Calculus index
  • Recession gingival
  • Index gingival
  • HbA1c
  • FPG
  • CGM
  • Albumin

  • QT
  • VISIA Tru L
  • VISIA Tru R
  • ZM-Facial age
  • ZM Neck age
  • ZM Decollete age
  • ZM Gluteal age
  • ZM Lower limb age
  • Facial left spots
  • Facial right spots
  • Facial left texture
  • Facial right texture
  • Facial left brown
  • Facial right brown
  • Facial left wrinkles
  • Facial right wrinkles
  • Facial central spots
  • Facial central texture
  • Facial central browns
  • Modified HN hair
  • DHEA-S
  • Thyroid volumetrics
  • Push up continuity
  • Bench press 1 rep max
  • Leg press 1 rep max
  • Grip strength L
  • Grip strength R
  • WC
  • BF%
  • DEXA L1-4
  • DEXA Femur
  • DEXA Hip
  • Osteocalcin
  • Spinal flexibility
  • Prostatic volume
  • PSA total
  • Total testosterone
  • Free testosterone index
  • Vit A
  • Alpha carotene
  • Beta Carotene
  • Lycopene
  • Vit C
  • B1
  • B2
  • B3
  • B5
  • B6
  • B7
  • B12
  • Vit E (Alpha + Gamma)
  • Vit D
  • Vit K
  • CoQ10
  • Bicarbonate
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Iodine
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphate
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • ALT
  • AST
  • ALP
  • GGT
  • TG
  • LDL
  • HDL
  • IGF-1

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International | Consult your doctor for what’s right for you.

Medical disclaimer
This website, including any experimental results presented, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Individuals seeking medical advice should consult with a licensed physician.

Biological age measurements and claims
Any claims regarding the measurement or reversal of biological age are preliminary and can be influenced by various biostatistical errors, including statistical variation, reference range relevancy, and clinical outcome significance. Ongoing, formal peer-reviewed studies are essential for validating these biological age tests for FDA approval (or its international equivalent) and confirming any clinically relevant changes in biological age. The data presented reflect our team's rigorous efforts to adhere to current scientific and biostatistical standards, while formal peer-reviewed validation studies are underway. Please note: These tests are experimental and intended solely for research purposes. They should not replace or supplement any clinical tests recommended by licensed medical professionals."

The protocol presented on this website is based on scientific research, ranging from mouse studies to meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials and international clinical practice guidelines. These have been carefully reviewed for their unique relevance to my personal situation. The protocol encompasses a mix of on-label, off-label, and unlicensed therapies, as well as research-use-only tests. Some of these tests and therapies are still under scientific investigation and have not yet received on-label licensing for specific health conditions. All tests and therapies, regardless of their licensing status, carry risks. These risks have been assessed for my personal use by a specialized team of clinicians and scientists. This protocol represents an experimental clinical research project. Results will be periodically published in peer-reviewed journals, adhering to international quality standards relevant to various types of clinical studies, including case reports, randomised controlled trials, and systematic reviews. Case reports, case series, and systematic reviews are important components of evidence-based medicine, helping inform the design of gold-standard randomised controlled trials and guiding clinical practice.

The use of Prescription only Medicines (PoMs) such as HGH, acarbose, rapamycin, metformin, thyroxine, testosterone, statins, phenylbutyric acid, tadalafil and others discussed in this protocol should not be considered an endorsement or promotion of these products. PoMs should only be prescribed by a licensed doctor who has assessed that the benefits and risks are acceptable for the individual and acquired through licensed pharmacies in a jurisdictionally legal manner. The prescribing doctor should be made aware of all other PoMs being taken and other relevant interventions such as foods, supplements and medical history to enable accurate assessment for safe prescribing and monitoring of combination interventions.

This web site is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician.